miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009

Accessibility in a TV set in Argentina

DESDE LA VIDA - FROM LIFE, is the only TV show in Southamerica that is entirelly devoted to ACCESSIBILITY and INDEPENDENT LIVING, it runs once a week in channel 7 (Estate owned chanel) on Saturdays from 11am to noon. This is its third season on air and it is amazing the endless material they always have.

Sections such as Life Story, Anonimous Heroes, Denounce are so interesting that it makes you want to tape every program.

In the picture, Ana Paula and Fena opening the show, and I in the back watching the cameras in amazement

Ana Paula's original idea took two years to go on air, she is a psycopedagogyst with a master degree in dissability and family, ' Desde la Vida' was first showed in April 2007.

Ana Paula together with Fena host the show. Agustina, a teacher specialized in teaching children with special needs, is in charge of the corner of art, in which children with all abilities go and draw and paint pieces of art that once a year, always around December 3rd go on auction and the funds help some NGO in need.

In the picture, what I could see behind the cameras, the ART CORNER, and the children working.

Coming down to accessibility matters I went this week to shoot an interview that is going to be shown on Aug 29 th at 9am, Argentinean time, and it can be seen over the internet at http://www.tvpublica.com.ar/ then click in the play button that says VIVO.

I love TV sets although I had been to not so many from what I remember and what they always say TV sets are not very accessible. But this was a whole different story.

Chanel 7 is at the door of “Barrio Parque” one of the top neighborhoods designed by Charles Thays more than one century ago. I entered by a side entrance wich is in front of the Canadian Embassy.

Sofia Belgeri one of the producers, came to the door with a golf cart, that was fun, we event to make up and then to the set. To my surprise, everything was at the same level; even the camerino had an accessible toilet. There is a reason for that set decorates are really big and they roll!!!

I was lucky enough to go the same day that Vicky Schocron from DISCAR (foundation) was together with the Argentinean director (Elsa y Fred) Marcos Carnevale, they were presenting “Anita, life can charge in a minute”. It is the story of a girl with Down Syndrome that lost her mother (oscar winer Norma Aleandro) the day that a bomb exploded at the AMIA (Israel Mutual Association of Argentina) in Buenos Aires fifhteen years ago. This film the first one in Argentina, to have a starring actor with Down Syndrome.

Sorounded by Vicky Shocron, director of Fundacion Discar and Marcos Carnevale director of 'Anita'

Checking at that the TV set and what I saw from the channel was accessible really made my day. Being again in a show that is now in its third season was great.

Now “desde la Vida” is traveling across the Nation to meet great examples of deportees, NGO’s among others. They shoot at every location ‘life story’ a part of the program in which a person tells how to live, work or be a sport person.

Another thing that I like about this program is the way they talk about dissability, always from a joyful point of view, and providing information, if you want to see more of them check their website at: http://www.desdelavida.com.ar/

If You want to see a trailer of Anita, follow this link: http://www.fundaciondiscar.org.ar/proximo_anita.htm

Be sure you get to see 'Anita, life can change in an instant' in your country!

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